Video: Presentation to the UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering Dept.

December 8, 2008 at 10:46 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I had the privilege of presenting my slide deck and lecture on the future of energy today to students and faculty of the University of California Nuclear Engineering Department and the Lawrence Berkeley Lab, which was simulcast to the University of Tokyo. Thanks to all the great technology they have available, my lecture was videotaped and has already been uploaded to the Web. You can watch it here: (The sound is rough at the beginning, but once I start the presentation it clears up, although it is a bit overmodulated.)

I’d like to thank Dr. Kai Vetter for and Department Chair Dr. Jasmina Vujic for inviting me to speak at their Fall Colloquium series, and making me welcome. It was an honor and a pleasure to speak to such a technically adept audience, and they were very nice to me despite my moderate and less-informed outlook on nuclear energy.

1 Comment

  1. […] Video: Presentation to the UC Berkeley Nuclear Engineering Dept …Chris Nelder’s presentation on peak oil and the future of energy to the University of California Nuclear Engineering Department, December 8, 2008. […]

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