Interview with Financial Sense 2-17-11

February 18, 2011 at 12:00 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on the Financial Sense with Jim Pupalava program this week, to discuss a new report from Shell outlining two approaches to the unfolding peak oil  crisis: a “Scramble” scenario and a “Blueprints” scenario. We also talked about the Wikileaks ‘revelations’ about Saudi oil reserves; ExxonMobil’s admission that it’s having trouble replacing its reserves; the challenges of energy transition; the abysmal predictive record of CERA; and the general progress of the oil industry, elected officials, and the public in coming to grips with our energy reality, as it appears we have entered what I call a “confession” phase.

You can download the show here: RealPlayerWinAmpWindows MediaMP3

My segment (24 mins) is first.

Recommended related reading:

The Coming Misery that Big Oil Discusses Behind Closed Doors – Steve LeVine, Foreign Policy

The IEA’s Come-to-Jesus Moment – My commentary on IEA’s modeling from July 2007

Guest appearance on “Market Shrinkology”

January 19, 2011 at 2:10 pm
Contributed by: Chris

Last night I made a guest appearance (by telephone) on Dr. Phil Pearlman’s “Market Shrinkology” show on  He featured my 2010 prediction and we discussed my macro outlook, my “Great Contraction” thesis, oil prices, and other subjects. My thanks to Phil for giving a platform to my outlier views!

Watch it here: Market Shrinkology – January 18, 2011

Interview with Financial Sense 1-13-11

January 13, 2011 at 2:48 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on the Financial Sense program with Jim Pupalava today, to discuss my “narrow ledge” outlook for oil prices in 2011; my vision for the next five years; the global balance of the oil market between the OECD and Asia; and my new thesis that we have entered what I am calling The Great Contraction. We also discussed the current perspective of OPEC; the projections of the IEA and EIA; the outlook for future oil supply; the final report from the federal oil spill commission; and the inevitable call for clamping down on oil speculators (which the CFTC did today – that didn’t take long!).

You can download the show (19 minutes) here:


BBC News Comment on the BP Lawsuit

December 16, 2010 at 1:15 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on BBC News yesterday (via Skype video chat) for a quick “hit” about the lawsuit filed by the US Government against BP and other companies involved in the Macondo well blowout, seeking unlimited damages against the companies.

Here’s the video (if you can’t see it, click here):

BBC News sought my comment on the suit after reading my previous articles on the Macondo (Deepwater Horizon) oil spill disaster:

Another Wake-Up Call for the World’s Biggest Oil Junkie

195 Californias or 74 Texases to Replace Offshore Oil

Interview with Futurist Eric Garland

November 3, 2010 at 11:14 am
Contributed by: Chris

I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Eric Garland (@ericgarland), a futurist and consultant I have come to know on Twitter. (See his blog: Competitive Futures)

His audience is interested in understanding the important issues of the future, so we discussed the meaning and import of peak oil, the relationship of energy to food supply, the future of the airline and transportation industries, the inevitability of relocalization, the role of the military in energy transition, investing strategies, and how to prepare oneself to be resilient in an increasingly challenging future.

This audio interview is in three parts, below the fold.


Interview with Financial Sense 10-21-10

October 22, 2010 at 11:00 am
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on the Financial Sense with Jim Pupalava program this week, to discuss the tightening forecasts for peak oil; why drilling new, smaller fields can’t keep up with the depletion of the mature, giant fields; why the US leadership refuses to acknowledge the peak oil problem; and why investors seem to have turned their backs on oil and gas this year.

You can download the show (16 minutes) here:

RealPlayerWinAmpWindows MediaMP3

Interview with Paul Denlinger on US, China, and Energy

October 19, 2010 at 2:37 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I had the great pleasure of taping a video interview with my friend Paul Denlinger last week, which is now hosted at Paul is a truly international guy, who has spent his life in the US, the UK, and China, and I met him on Twitter (@pdenlinger). A trenchant observer of global politics and a student of peak oil, Paul offered some excellent insights on the relationship of the US and China, including currency issues, our collision course on energy, China’s massive infrastructure building programs, China’s aging population problem, the rare earth metals sector, and other subjects.

As always, I am grateful to StockTwits for their continued support of my work, and helping me to get video published!

Watch the video below the fold.


Interview with Financial Sense 9-18-10

September 18, 2010 at 1:14 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on the Financial Sense with Jim Pupalava program today, to discuss several new forecasts of peak oil (meaning all liquids) in the 2015-2020 time frame, including a leaked German military study on peak oil recently reported in Der Spiegel,  an interview with Robert Hirsch, comments by veteran oil analyst Charlie Maxwell, a repeated warning from the IEA‘s executive director Nobuo Tanaka that “the age of cheap energy is over,” and an editorial by energy analyst Anas Alhajji on the inability of OPEC to meet growing world oil demand. I wrapped up the interview by revisiting my March 2010 article, “‘Peak Demand,’ Yes, But Not The Nice Kind.

You can download the show (1 hour) here:

RealPlayer WinAmp Windows Media MP3

My segment begins at 38:41

Interview with KrisCan

September 7, 2010 at 4:02 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I had the great pleasure of videotaping a long conversation with KrisCan in mid-July, which is now online in seven parts. Topics included the Deepwater Horizon spill, the implications for U.S. oil production, my critique of various energy policies, and the challenges of energy transition. (more…)

Video chat with Howard Lindzon on energy and population

August 19, 2010 at 12:15 pm
Contributed by: Chris

Yesterday I had another web video chat with StockTwits founder Howard Lindzon on the future of energy and its implications for global population, plus related subjects. View the video (32 minutes) below the fold.


Interview with Financial Sense 7-24-10

July 24, 2010 at 12:21 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on the Financial Sense with Jim Pupalava program today to discuss the shifting of oil supply and demand to the developing world and the diminishing influence of the international oil companies; the “energy suicide” of shutting down offshore oil drilling; the long-term production losses due to deepwater drilling rigs leaving the Gulf of Mexico; the slim hopes of new production from tar sands, Saudi Arabia and Iraq; and the urgent need to begin energy transition.

You can download the show (1 hour) here:

RealPlayer WinAmp Windows Media MP3

My segment begins at 47:04.

Chat with Gregor Macdonald about the BP oil spill

June 23, 2010 at 8:00 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I had a fun, freewheeling chat with my friend and fellow energy analyst Gregor Macdonald yesterday, which was broadcast today on the Abnormal Returns show on Gregor and I chat about energy frequently and thought it would be good to share one of our conversations with the public. In this episode, we talk about some of the implications and larger issues around the BP oil spill. (And yes, it was my idea to open with a music bed of “Only The Beginning.”) Video below the fold.


Interview with Financial Sense 6-5-2010

June 5, 2010 at 11:06 am
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on the Financial Sense with Jim Pupalava program today to discuss why officials, the media, and the oil industry have been so lagging in their responses to peak oil; the deep institutional and cultural denial about the implications of peak oil on economics; and the need to reinvent our economic theory and cultural ideals.

For background material on this discussion, see my recent articles:

195 Californias or 74 Texases to Replace Offshore Oil
Another Wake-Up Call for the World’s Biggest Oil Junkie
Officials Wake Up To Peak Oil, Part 1
Officials Wake Up to Peak Oil, Part 2

You can download the show (1 hour) here:

RealPlayer | WinAmp | Windows Media | MP3

My segment is at the top of the program.

Interview with Financial Sense 3-20-10

March 20, 2010 at 2:50 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on the Financial Sense with Jim Pupalava program today to discuss several new reports and warnings about a near-term peak in oil production, the criminal lack of policy response to the threat in the U.S., and the developing oil export crisis.

You can download the show (1 hour) here:

RealPlayer | WinAmp | Windows Media | MP3

My segment begins at 31:00.

A Conversation About Energy with Howard Lindzon

March 17, 2010 at 2:25 pm
Contributed by: Chris

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to do a freewheeling, videotaped chat with StockTwits founder Howard Lindzon on the present and future realities of energy. It was a lot more casual and conversational than any previous media appearances I’ve done  (at 10:30 PM with a glass of Scotch in hand), so it was more fun, if less professional.

Topics included peak oil, the end of economic growth, reversing globalization, oil prices, alternatives, and lots of other topics. View the video (25 minutes) below the fold.


Interview with Financial Sense 1-16-10

January 16, 2010 at 12:16 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on the Financial Sense program today and discussed my article on investment themes for the next decade, the error in U.S.-centric views on commodities, the reasons for volatile oil prices, why socialist countries are so far ahead of the U.S. in their energy planning, and why local communities are wise to take control of their own futures in energy, water, and food–what Matt Simmons calls “BIMBYism,” or Build In My Backyard.

You can download the show (1 hour) here: RealPlayerWinAmpWindows MediaMP3

My segment begins at 43:53.

Trader Chat Interview with, Pt. 2: “How Will Limited Oil Affect Our Daily Lives?”

November 9, 2009 at 10:21 am
Contributed by: Chris

Here is part 2 of my first interview with @JeffreyLin of the stock traders’ web site Here’s the video:

Trader Chat: Chris Nelder Pt. 2 – How Will Limited Oil Affect Our Daily Lives?

Trader Chat Interview with, Pt. 1: “How Accessible is the Oil That’s Left?”

October 27, 2009 at 5:16 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I had the pleasure of chatting with @JeffreyLin last week about the basics of peak oil on the stock traders’ web site Here’s the video:

Trader Chat: Chris Nelder Pt. 1 – How Accessible is the Oil That’s Left?

Interview with @MissTrade and Charlie Rich

October 9, 2009 at 2:16 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I had a 1-hr. video interview this week with trader extraordinaire Matt Davio (@MissTrade on Twitter) and his buddy Charlie Rich, who has been working on “eco cottages” and sustainable agriculture in Bend, Oregon. Definitely worth a watch if you are interested in the implications of peak oil for food supply, and the issues surrounding sustainable agriculture.

Interview with Hiro Takei

August 3, 2009 at 7:59 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Hiro Takei (@my10000dollars on Twitter) last week, all about my nutty career history, my views on energy and trading, and my thoughts on StockTwits. He did his homework and asked some insightful questions. See it here: Hiro’s a smart fellow and a nice guy, and worth a follow if you’re on Twitter and interested in trading.

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