BBC News Comment on the BP Lawsuit

December 16, 2010 at 1:15 pm
Contributed by: Chris

I appeared on BBC News yesterday (via Skype video chat) for a quick “hit” about the lawsuit filed by the US Government against BP and other companies involved in the Macondo well blowout, seeking unlimited damages against the companies.

Here’s the video (if you can’t see it, click here):

BBC News sought my comment on the suit after reading my previous articles on the Macondo (Deepwater Horizon) oil spill disaster:

Another Wake-Up Call for the World’s Biggest Oil Junkie

195 Californias or 74 Texases to Replace Offshore Oil


  1. Chris;

    Is not saying that the US is “scapegoating” BP and these other companies a bit harsh? To my understanding, it’s true that the Macando spill was the result of a corrupt relationship between oil companies and their regulator in the interior department, not having a contingency plan, and the fact that such work is very tricky. But if BP and their kin are willing to take the risk of drilling, should they not be held liable when something goes wrong and every thing was not done to the letter of the law?

    I understand that the US is being hypocritical in pretending it will shut down offshore drilling for a time, and given the habits and attitudes of the US public that we WONT stop deepwater oil drilling. In other words, we’ve made a deal with this devil and we are going to continue this risky behavior. That’s realism.

    Unfortunately, I think as people with a stake in the future of this planet we need to be honest that if we made it a priority it would not have to be like this, we don’t HAVE to bring ourselves to economic collapse and ecological collapse. We do so because we are wedded to past behaviors and technologies, and they are too difficult to change and be honest with ourselves before we hit the very bottom.

    Comment by Bill Reiswig — December 17, 2010 @ 9:06 am

  2. I agree with you Bill – My point about scapegoating was more that we shouldn’t think deepwater drilling is without risk, or that punishing the companies involved will make that risk go away. You got it: We’ve made a deal with the devil, and the devil’s tears polluted the Gulf of Mexico. We can slap that devil silly but it won’t undo the deal.

    Comment by Chris — December 17, 2010 @ 11:05 am

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