The Renewables Revolution Will Not Be Televised
For this week’s Energy and Capital column, I adapted the famous poem by Gil Scott-Heron to discuss renewable energy.
The Renewables Revolution Will Not Be Televised
By Chris Nelder
You will not be able to stay home, brother.
You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out.
You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and
Skip out for beer during commercials,
Because the revolution will not be televised
–Gil Scott-Heron, “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised“
Gil Scott-Heron’s 1970 classic poem about race relations could just as easily be about the renewable energy revolution that is now well underway.To be sure, there have been some recent moments when the media turned its focus on energy. Like when President Bush proclaimed that we are “addicted to oil.” Or like this week, with a slew of energy legislation making its way to the floor of Congress. Among the bills are some important ones that would set higher gas mileage standards for vehicles and establish a federal renewable portfolio standard (RPS) for generating of renewable energy. Some of them may even be voted on today. But I resisted the urge to write about them, and exhort you to call your Congressmen in support. Why? Because the renewables revolution will not be televised.
You will not be able to stay at home, flipping the channels
For the latest on Paris, Nicole and Lindsay
While Big Oil finds another five new Saudi Arabias’ worth
Of the lifeblood you need to get to your job 50 miles away.
No blow-dried air personality is going to ask you not to buy a Hummer 2
Or question whether you really need to “conquer the road”
No contractor will ask you if you really need 15,000 square feet of house
No oil sheik will ask you why you still drive something that gets 14 mpg
The renewables revolution will not be televised.
No senator is going to tell you when to install solar
No utility company is going to help you eliminate your electric bill
No automaker is going to urge a new era in electric light rail
Nobody is going to tell you when to jump and go build a lifeboat
Because the oil-based infrastructure is breaking down.
The renewables revolution will not be televised.
The renewables revolution will not be planned from the top down
Congress will not come up with a wise and sustainable energy policy
The renewables revolution will not have the unequivocal support of the Department of Energy
Economists, stock traders and energy analysts will not
Line up to promote it on the Sunday news shows
Because the renewables revolution will not be televised.
Geothermal turbines will not be featured on Kudlow & Company
Jim Cramer will not tell you to reduce your personal energy footprint
Dick Cheney will not tell you to follow his example
And build a state-of-the-art energy efficient home with solar power
Al Gore will not give you a step-by-step instruction manual
On how to be a smart energy consumer.
Ahnold will not come to your house to pump it up with free energy
Your conservation will not earn you air miles or discount coupons
Your insurance company will not reward you for biking instead of driving
New insulation will not increase the curb appeal of your home
Or get it on the five o’clock news
The renewables revolution will not be televised.
The renewables revolution will not attract more business to your state
It will not feel like a reaction to 9/11
Even though it is a more effective response than military action.
News choppers will not circle your home
Broadcasting pictures of your solar system, your garden and your hybrid
Because that does not make news like a refinery explosion does
The renewables revolution will not be televised.
No one is driving the bus you’re on, brother
No one is going to guarantee that you will always be able to buy
Food from halfway ’round the world because you have the money
Money won’t be where it’s at, honey
When the oil runs out
The renewables revolution will not be televised.
No, my brothers and sisters, the renewables revolution will not be televised
The revolution will begin at home, with you and your neighbors
You will buy local organic food simply because it tastes better
Because it is free of “potentially cancer-causing agents”
And because you like to support the local economy.
You will turn off unneeded lights simply as a sign of respect
You will relocate so you can walk or bike to work
Because it makes your life better.
You will install wind turbines and solar panels and micro-hydro turbines and geothermal heat pumps
Because you like knowing that your energy is clean and green
Because you don’t want your children to breathe power plant exhaust
Because you want a healthy environment for all of God’s creatures
And because it’s cheaper in the long run.
The revolution will be do-it-yourself
The revolution will be your personal decision
The revolution will be bottom-up
The revolution will be demanded by the grassroots and forced upon big business
The revolution will challenge the status quo.
But no one will sell it to you, brother.
It will not be brought to you by ExxonMobil
It will not add 20 points to your IQ, six years to your life, or three inches to your unit
It will not clear up your skin, remove your wrinkles, or cure your psoriasis
It will not make you the most popular person in the office
Or the envy of the block.
The renewables revolution will be in your house, on your time, and on your dime.
The renewables revolution will be live.
Until next time,