For Quartz: Storage technology could revolutionize the power grid

December 12, 2012 at 1:27 pm
Contributed by: Chris

Belatedly, here’s the link to a piece I did for Quartz last month on storage technologies, in which I argue that intermittent sources of renewable power like wind and solar could revolutionize our grid power if we had better ways to store it. I think we’ll crack that nut by the end of the decade.

Saving the sun’s shine: Storage technology could revolutionize the power grid


  1. Thanks Chris for another interesting article. Will it not be possible to make hydrogen with surplus energy and then store it for when it is needed? It could be stored underground so instead of CCS we have HCS.


    Comment by Finn Jensen — December 13, 2012 @ 3:21 am

  2. Yes, hydrogen is another possible solution. The last time I looked its round-trip efficiency was low and it didn’t seem to be going anywhere commercially, but perhaps that has changed. Interestingly, hydrogen wasn’t mentioned in the recent studies I dug up comparing the costs of various storage technologies.

    Comment by Chris — December 13, 2012 @ 10:54 am

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