New interview with Dr. Colin Campbell

January 4, 2012 at 3:04 pm
Contributed by: Chris

There is a terrific new half-hour interview with Dr. Colin Campbell on a West Cork, Ireland website, which anyone interested in peak oil, the economy, transition, and the future will want to watch. Dr. Campbell, as longtime readers of this blog know, was my first source of knowledge about peak oil, and I read his wonderful newsletter religiously. Campbell and  Jean Laherrère were among the first serious analysts to expand upon the work of M. King Hubbert in the mid-1990s, and along with several others, founded the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) and gave birth to the modern study of peak oil (use the search function on this site to explore all of those names and newsletters further). Having a pint with Dr. Campbell still ranks right up top on my “bucket list.” Here’s the interview:

In conversation with Dr. Colin Campbell, Ballydehob, West Cork, Ireland

Campbell was also featured on the ‘Eco Eye’ program on Irish Television last night. If you’re in the UK you can probably see it, but sadly, they don’t allow it to be viewed from here in the US. Here is the link:!v=1129353

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